Sunday, 26 January 2014


Keep Creating Art No Matter What.

 “If you are happy with what you are doing as an artist, don't worry about whether everyone likes it. There will be plenty of people who think as you do; you just have to hone in on those people.
Practice, practice, practice. If you are not traditionally or classically trained, train yourself. Learn everything you can about your craft.
Try to find a mentor, someone who will coax, threaten, encourage and brag about you.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Wednesday, 15 January 2014



finding my place?

Sometime I feel like my brain goes around and around in circles...I cannot for the life of me figure out where I fit in. I so desperately want to use my art, use my gifts for something that I believe in but I have no idea how to start. I spend so much time thinking, spinning my wheels about how I can be an artist who is more that just one dimension, who is about more than making money or getting recognized. But at times I barely feel like an artist, I feel small and non-existent and other times I feel as if I possess something greater than I know, creativity that could move mountains. 
How in the world do I use this to change the world, or even just my world...where do I begin?

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


If there was ever a Moment to follow your Passion and do something that Matters to you, that Moment is now. Find your Passion, whatever it is. Become it, let it become you and Great things will happen for you, to you and because of you. And even if things don't work out as Planned, you'll still be heading in the right Direction. Because nothing you have Passion for is ever a waste of time, no Matter how it turns out

The Complete one

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Monday Again..!!

Today is a new day..!!!
Well...I'm not fond of Mondays but I am finally feeling better (I can breath again!).
I am refreshed...ready to be productive this week.

The weekend was spent taking time to get better, working on my sketchbook, and finishing up two paintings. I forced myself to move slowly and not feel pressure to get everything done (and not punish myself if things were left unfinished). There is something about being sick that helps me to refocus and as much as I hate being forced to do nothing.

Anyways..celebrate a new  Monday again.

Love :)

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year wish'2014

The first day of the year 2014, like the normal day in our life might look like this: alarm clock buzz-hit snooze twice-steal another 10  minutes. As we got into the office, work crisis weighs heavily on our mind, but instead log in and official mails we check Facebook for a while first. After that, we dip in and out of meetings, chase our inbox and so on..

But I believe that it is very important to express gratitude to the God-Infinity Power-Destiny-Universe or whatever you call it because we have to grateful for everything in our lives. For this a simple way that I followed on first day of the year, lighting the lamp in front of God or in temple all together my family and expressing gratitude for all blessings. We performed a simple puja and chanted the Sanskrit mantras and we prayed for well being-happiness-health-wealth.
And I have also set my new year resolution which is very important or simple: I do not have to play by other people's rules but I have to play by my own. I want to be clear about what I believe and uphold those values in private and in public.
The only way that I can totally forget about work and worries when I am with my colors-brushes-paper-canvas. The beautiful and vibrant colors leave me totally reinvigorated and mentally fitter to face every challenge of life. So, improve my color skills is in the top agendas for this year.


Happy New Year'2014