Friday, 11 April 2014


Usually When we're asking for something on any special occasion, we've an idea of how it might look and the way  in which we think it should best come to us, think about a list you've written or being asked what you'd really like?

And then if you were anything as a little kid, you're write the list and stick it on your fridge for everyone to see as well as placing extra copies in front of your parents. Come on, you've gotta cover all bases right?
But then, when it came time to receiving, how many times were you absolutely, totally and utterly away at how much more you received than you had even asked for?
A few weeks ago, I was praying and asking for wisdom in a certain area of my life and waiting for direction on how best to move forward. After a few days, I  realized  I was actually trying to work it out myself. You know those times when you sort of think you  might  know how God will respond and its almost like you begin to predict what He might do?
Anyway, I surrendered it to Him and awaited patiently.
Two days ago our faithful God answered me, as just HE always does. However in addition to answering my question, he proceeded to bless me super abundantly more than I even asked for. That's our God though. He is the God of MORE than enough. He is the God  of  super abundantly far over and above all we dare ask or think.

You open Your Hand and satisfy the desire of everything living thing.
So as we walk into this new season, let us not limit God with our  small  thinking...because even our best idea is still only a tiny fraction of what He has in store for us...!

Have a awesome weekend..!!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Weired Age

The "Weird age"
Oh yes, it's true!
Age of 30 is consider as difficult for Boys & Girls. Your friends are getting married, few of them already got married, Your career has just started,Elders treat you as unproven theorems, teenagers feel that you are too old to have in their group... You seem to enjoy both cartoon and news..
You can no longer eat whatever you wish without putting on weight..You are not invited for weekend hangouts, movies. Every Aunt you meet asks 'When are you getting married' while uncle asks 'What have you thought of your marriage/career' When the reality is that you are just riding the wave and going with the flow. You have all the confidence in the world but little achievements to show, You already have the first hand experience of the life, You can be denied for a job even after passing the test and you could be given a job if you know someone placed high enough.. Politics till now was not important but now you feel it everywhere..You know now love is not that blind and that friendship has its terms and conditions. You know there is nothing for granted and free lunches are not free. Your over confidence is now making way for a humble conscience. You now know it is not exactly what we thought it would be. The "weird age". 

#sketch #WeiredAge #shailla'zDiary <3

Oranges On The Branch

Botanical Illustration-1

For some time now I've been working on technical illustration skills and have been using my love of nature as the subjects for my own artistic evolution. Though, it requires a solid understanding of the processes, components, techniques, knowledge of the subject,history, and many many hours of practice. 
I am applying much of my spare time to learning a little of this art form, and I am LOVING IT!! I have discovered some wonderful books on the subject, along with some excellent web sites, and online resources  
I've discovered that capturing the color variations, the texture, and the rich dimension of fruit and flowers takes very keen observation skills along with a deep knowledge of color mixing and brush strokes, most of which I am lacking.

I painted it from a photo reference, and even so, I found it very challenging to create consistent color tones on all of the leaves, and realistic texture effects on the skin of the oranges. It's much harder than it looks and attempting it has given me a whole new level of respect for botanical illustrators and artists.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Back Again

Hey, I'm back again after a long writing vacation, now I'll share all the smaller things I'm into that might not fit into a single post for one reason or another. Sometimes there might be a long list of randomness, other times it might be a single gem-whatever the case, here's what I'm into right now.


What up!

This was an oddly long week. Yesterday felt like friday all day but it was only  Thursday.

This was my last night project, will try to complete today only.

And for some time now I'll work on technical illustration skills and have been using my love of flowers and nature as the subjects for my own artistic evolution.

Happy Weekend..!!

Friday, 7 March 2014

short vacation

Hi friends,
Happy Friday..:)
Okay, grab your money and pack your bags because today I'm off  to short vacation...yeahh..:)

I'll be staying at sister's would be great fun..exciting...(smile..smiles).

Have a great weekend to all... hope you enjoyed the little mini-break :) 

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Nothing Can Stop God's Plan

And even though sometimes it feels like things are taking their time, or plans are not executing proper. It's true! Things are always, always, always in motion but we did not  realized. Think about a musical play, scene behind the curtain usually even more busy than what's happening on the stage. 
So right now, as you are reading these words, God is busy at work behind the scenes of your life, working and weaving everything together according to his wonderful plan. Just like an architect prepare a blueprint of any castle was meticulously planned before it was that...the blueprint for your life has already been planned, not only before you were born, but before God even said "let there be light."I feel the little girl in me getting that 'light'...!!

And you know what? once the plan is in place, there is actually nothing that can stop it. I've been sick with seasonal infection since last few days and there was heavy rain last night as I was laying in bed,then few words  just  flashed  into  my mind like  lightning            "Nothing can stop God's plan". So what does this mean for us? We all have dreams and desires in our hearts, we're believing and declaring, and often waiting for things to come/ to pass, but what we can see is "the stage"...We can't see "behind the scenes". Anyway, last night as those words of truth exploded into my mind, they took over every negative thought, doubt and question and released a flood of hope and encouragement. And I pray that as you read these words the same thing will happen to you. May be filled with fresh hope today. And guess what, it's going to set tonight. Nothing can stop it.

Think about the last mountain you went to... even though you're long gone, those fresh air waves are still coming in. Nothing can stop them.
In Winter, the snow is going to fall and chilly breeze all around. Nothing can stop it.
As the rain last night came down from heaven...And do not return to without watering the 

So is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achive the purpose for which I sent it.
So Just like nothing can stop the sun rising or setting or waves coming in or the seasons changing...Nothing can stop God's plan for my life or your life..It might seemd slow in coming to but..Patience

So be encouraged today. Okey..Things are happening, behind the scenes, right at this very moment. God is busy at work preparing, planning, weaving and working things together so you can be released into glorious destiny he has for you. There is no other day like today and something amazing is  awaiting  you.
Always Cheering you on...!!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

I have always thought of compatibility as being of two kinds. One wherein, two parts exactly match one another while the other type of compatibility is when one part fits into the other with 'effort' to make the two parts seem compatible, when they are actually not. 

I think second principle applies well to relationships. When the people involved in a relationship exactly match one another with respect to their attributes, they are compatible to the true sense of the term.

By the idea of one person trying to fit into the other, we mean that one of the two people dissolves into the identity of the other. For me dissolution of one's identity into that of the other, which makes the two people appear compatible, is not compatibility. The merger of the two for making up for each other's inabilities and boosting the strengths of one another makes two people compatible.

Compatibility between two people is determined by their views on life and their likes and dislikes at large. It is about compensating for each other on understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses. A compatible relationship is indeed rewarding in terms of the physical as well as psychological well-being of the individuals involved in it. Individuals compatible with each other feel affection towards one another and take interest in each other's lives. Most importantly, they trust each other. Respect for one another is an essential ingredient of compatibility in a relationship. Giving each other time and space and a due regard to each other's emotions makes two people compatible. They believe in their compatibility and in the strength of their relationship.

Understanding is a vital component of a healthy relationship. A clear understanding of each other's personalities makes the two people compatible. An understanding involves the recognition of the strengths of one another and the readiness to make up for each other's weaknesses. Understanding a person comprises true understanding of the feelings of the other person. The people involved in a relationship should bear in mind that every human is bound to have his/her own set of positive and negative qualities. The positives need to be encouraged while the negatives need to be worked upon. For the two involved in a relation to be compatible, the comprehension of a person's weaknesses must not follow ridicule. It should rather be followed by the readiness to work with the person to fight his/her inabilities. The preparedness of a person to work mutually with the other individual involved in the relationship, leads to a compatible couple.

There are many factors, that contribute to compatibility between two people. One of the important factors for compatibility is their culture. It is their social and economic background that plays a vital role in compatibility. The environment in which two people are brought up, their family and their value system play a major role in their being compatible.

The educational backgrounds, the career objectives and creative skills of the two people should match so that they are compatible with each other. The compatibility between two people also depends on their intelligent and emotional quotients. It is their ways of looking towards life that makes them compatible. Their principles and beliefs, their values and their approach towards living are determinant of their compatibility with one another.

Every human being wants to be loved. It is human nature to feel the need to be cared for, to have a close friend and have someone to live for. Love might happen at first sight. It may be the result of mere physical attraction and the attraction is bound to be short-lived. Experts say that compatibility is not something one has; it is something one has to make. According to the researchers working in psychology, the building of compatibility is a process, it is a willingness to work and it is basically an attitude that needs to be developed to make a relationship healthier. According to the experts, love is a blend of biology and behavior. It is certainly in a person's hand to shape that love by adding to it the very essential aspect that is called compatibility.

People talk of zodiac signs and horoscopes, which are believed to determine the compatibility between two people. They give different theories that are considered to define one's compatibility with another. But, in my view, it is the feelings, which the two people bear for one another, that decide how compatible they are.

Non-negotiable expectations

Ahh,sometimes I feel there is nothing better than comimg home late at night with those twinkling lights flickering away. So pretty..yeahh:)
I saw a sign..somewhere outside...that said,"Accept Delays".
My mind quick-tempered,,,Helloooo...I'm sorry ..but I'm not going to expecting any delays.  Then I relised the reason I was so offended..was beacause of the way I actually read those two words..."Non-negotiable expectations".
Is it???My expectations were non negotiable..ahhh..:(
I read them as an orders. It was as if I had no choice in the matter and that I had to expect delays beacause they were definitely going to happen. basically I look it as a non-negotiable rather than a just a suggestion.
So I began thinking about this in relation to us, and how we think(i similar). Then I started thinking about how I think(boring..not so entertaining..uff). Is my expectations for the miraculous simply a suggestion to myself or is it a non-negotiable? 
What are you expecting? Is your expectation a non- negotiable too like mine?(hope..could get an answer).
Believing happy things were actually going happen...sudden..went wrong.
But this time I want my faith to be more strong and unwavering as a simple road side tree. But this only happens as I constantly listen God's still, small voice and wait expectantly like little kids for his surprises. And guess what...God has some amazing ones for me or for you..yes!!!
That's right, something amazing is going to happen soon...Patience...!!
God is waiting to surprise me or you..!!

Thursday, 27 February 2014


The Radha-Krishna amour is a love legend of all times. It's indeed hard to miss the many legends and paintings illustrating Krishna's love affairs, of which the Radha-Krishna affair is the most memorable. Krishna's relationship with Radha, his favorite among the 'Gopis', has served as a model for male and female love in a variety of art forms, and since the sixteenth century appears prominently as a motif in North Indian paintings. The allegorical love of Radha has found expression in some great Bengali poetical works of Govinda Das, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and Jayadeva the author of Geet Govinda.
Krishna's youthful dalliances with the 'gopis' are interpreted as symbolic of the loving interplay between God and the human soul. Radha's utterly rapturous love for Krishna and their relationship is often interpreted as the quest for union with the divine. This kind of love is of the highest form of devotion in Vaishnavism, and is symbolically represented as the bond between the wife and husband or beloved and lover.
Radha, daughter of Vrishabhanu, was the mistress of Krishna during that period of his life when he lived among the cowherds of Vrindavan. Since childhood they were close to each other - they played, they danced, they fought, they grew up together and wanted to be together forever, but the world pulled them apart. He departed to safeguard the virtues of truth, and she waited for him. He vanquished his enemies, became the king, and came to be worshipped as a lord of the universe. She waited for him. He married Rukmini and Satyabhama, raised a family, fought the great war of Ayodhya, and she still waited. So great was Radha's love for Krishna that even today her name is uttered whenever Krishna is refered to, and Krishna worship is though to be incomplete without the deification of Radha.
One day the two most talked about lovers come together for a final single meeting. Suradasa in his Radha-Krishna lyrics relates the various amorous delights of the union of Radha and Krishna in this ceremonious 'Gandharva' form of their wedding in front of five hundred and sixty million people of Vraj and all the gods and goddesses of heaven. The sage Vyasa refers to this as the 'Rasa'. Age after age, this evergreen love theme has engrossed poets, painters, musicians and all Krishna devotees alike.

Unknown Author

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


All birds do is fly and sing. They sing and they fly. What a fabulous life don't you think? 

I Love this. There is something about singing that brings great strength. I wonder, do birds ever get tired of flying or singing?  Do they have time where they're like "I'm not in the mood today..need a break from flying/singing"?

I don't think so..!!

When I see Birds..i feel..they're the creatures of  resilience, of great determination, of unwavering tenacity and of wonderful strength.

Go on, have a look at a Bird and unfetterd, not tied down to any particular job description, careless in the care of God. So trusting and never fearing. I think We can learn a lot from this little feathered creature. Let us stir within us the courage to sense the dawn and begin to sing while it might still be dark. There is hope for today and everyday.

Something happens when we sing. Today is a new day and there is a new song  in your  mind let encourage yourself, whatever your circumstances matter...let the song come out of you today. Because as you sing, new things would be awakened in you and joy would release.

Through our song we find Peace. Through our song we find Rest. So let us sing out today..just like we did when we were kid...with no hindrances, no limitations and no fear.

Happii Singing..!!

Have a Happy Day ahead..!!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Everything Happens For A Reason

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there… to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who your are or who you want to become.
You never know who these people may be, but when you lock eyes with them, you know that every moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you at a time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, will power or heart.
 Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, Injury, Love, Lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless – the people you meet affect your life.
The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whomever you open your heart.
If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things.
Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen.
Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create your own life and then go out and (get it) LIVE it.
Author Unknown

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Childhood Memoir

I wanna go back my childhood.
I am a child of the 80s. There is alot about how my childhood days would have been. Being born in the 80s is the best thing that happened to me. My life did not revolve around a TV and computer. 
I had time to do so many things which the current generation misses out on. I feel extremely nostalgic about those days and wish I could have all of it back. This is how life was back then, peaceful and calm, and so beautiful and happy.

Playing in the mud and yet not getting any infection or falling ill. Playing catch, kho kho, the  color game, and with marbles. Waiting for hours outside for the first rain of the season so that I could get wet.

Picking flowers from anywhere, and making garlands for God. Discovering my love for books at the tender age of 6 which has provided me with endless joy over the years. Now there is no any library left as people prefer to read online.

Playing badminton late into night with my siblings and friends. Playing Business (Indian version ) with my father and brother and feeling sad when my father lost. Getting onto my mother's lap for all day long when no work left around. 
Spending holidays at the Nani's home with no worries about studies or anything.

Waiting for Sunday morning cartoons on TV. Watching  Mahabharata  and Ramayana on TV on Sunday mornings. In the 80s, there was no cable and we watched TV mainly on Sundays.

A computer was something we saw once a week in school during computer classes. We spent time playing and running with friends instead of being glued to video games. Staring out of the window at nothing, or just watching birds was awesome time pass. 
How I miss those days and how I feel sad for today's kids whose time goes in watching TV, catching up on  Facebook, running to a million classes and being over-achievers. 

I really wanna go back -:(

Sunday, 26 January 2014


Keep Creating Art No Matter What.

 “If you are happy with what you are doing as an artist, don't worry about whether everyone likes it. There will be plenty of people who think as you do; you just have to hone in on those people.
Practice, practice, practice. If you are not traditionally or classically trained, train yourself. Learn everything you can about your craft.
Try to find a mentor, someone who will coax, threaten, encourage and brag about you.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Wednesday, 15 January 2014



finding my place?

Sometime I feel like my brain goes around and around in circles...I cannot for the life of me figure out where I fit in. I so desperately want to use my art, use my gifts for something that I believe in but I have no idea how to start. I spend so much time thinking, spinning my wheels about how I can be an artist who is more that just one dimension, who is about more than making money or getting recognized. But at times I barely feel like an artist, I feel small and non-existent and other times I feel as if I possess something greater than I know, creativity that could move mountains. 
How in the world do I use this to change the world, or even just my world...where do I begin?

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


If there was ever a Moment to follow your Passion and do something that Matters to you, that Moment is now. Find your Passion, whatever it is. Become it, let it become you and Great things will happen for you, to you and because of you. And even if things don't work out as Planned, you'll still be heading in the right Direction. Because nothing you have Passion for is ever a waste of time, no Matter how it turns out

The Complete one

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Monday Again..!!

Today is a new day..!!!
Well...I'm not fond of Mondays but I am finally feeling better (I can breath again!).
I am refreshed...ready to be productive this week.

The weekend was spent taking time to get better, working on my sketchbook, and finishing up two paintings. I forced myself to move slowly and not feel pressure to get everything done (and not punish myself if things were left unfinished). There is something about being sick that helps me to refocus and as much as I hate being forced to do nothing.

Anyways..celebrate a new  Monday again.

Love :)

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year wish'2014

The first day of the year 2014, like the normal day in our life might look like this: alarm clock buzz-hit snooze twice-steal another 10  minutes. As we got into the office, work crisis weighs heavily on our mind, but instead log in and official mails we check Facebook for a while first. After that, we dip in and out of meetings, chase our inbox and so on..

But I believe that it is very important to express gratitude to the God-Infinity Power-Destiny-Universe or whatever you call it because we have to grateful for everything in our lives. For this a simple way that I followed on first day of the year, lighting the lamp in front of God or in temple all together my family and expressing gratitude for all blessings. We performed a simple puja and chanted the Sanskrit mantras and we prayed for well being-happiness-health-wealth.
And I have also set my new year resolution which is very important or simple: I do not have to play by other people's rules but I have to play by my own. I want to be clear about what I believe and uphold those values in private and in public.
The only way that I can totally forget about work and worries when I am with my colors-brushes-paper-canvas. The beautiful and vibrant colors leave me totally reinvigorated and mentally fitter to face every challenge of life. So, improve my color skills is in the top agendas for this year.


Happy New Year'2014